Finding Solutions to ‘Lunch Shaming’

Kids go to school to learn, and research shows that access to nutritious school lunches impr…
6 Ways to Be an Effective Advocate for Your Child at School
Even when things are going well, parents should always be aware of what’s happening at their…
10 Signs Your Student Is Too Stressed
“I’m stressed out.” You’ve probably said those words at some point, and it may surprise you …
How Online Education Can Help Special Needs Children
Special needs children often struggle in traditional brick-and-mortar schools. Whether they …
Later School Start Times May Improve Academic Performance
Being late is generally frowned upon—especially in relation to education. Yet many students …
Why Online Education?
When a family decides to use online education as opposed to the traditional brick-and-mortar…
Mom Finds an Affordable Preschool Learning Solution
Christina W. wanted something more for her 4-year-old daughter Savannah. She had tried sever…
See the Winners of K12’s Art Contest Celebrating Culture
K12 hosts annual contests so students from all over can showcase their skills — whatever the…
The COVID Slide: A Deeper Look into the Pandemic’s Effects on Students
We have passed the one year mark since the Coronavirus pandemic spread to the United States …
How to Inspire Children’s Learning? Guaranteed Ways to Help Your Child Perform Well in School
Children’s learning is the most important factor to develop them holistically. As children g…
How to Encourage Healthy Homework Habits in Your Child
This shouldn’t shock you, but most children aren’t fond of doing their homework. It’s comple…